- DataSet.ensemble_mean(nco=False, ignore_time=False)
ensemble_mean: Calculate an ensemble mean
This operates on a grid cell by grid cell basis.
- Parameters:
nco (boolean) – Do you want to use NCO for the calculation? Default is False, i.e. CDO is used. Modify default if run time is an issue.
ignore_time (boolean) – If True the mean is calculated over all time steps. If False, the ensemble mean is calculated for each time steps; for example, if the ensemble is made up of monthly files the mean for each month will be calculated.
If you had an ensemble of climate models with data covering the same time steps, you would calculate the ensemble mean as follows: ds.ensemble_mean()
If you had an ensemble of files that covered different time steps and want to calculate the mean over all time steps, you would do the following: