
DataSet.divide(self, x=None, var=None)

Divide the data This will divide the dataset by a constant, another dataset or a NetCDF file. :param x: An int, float, single file dataset or netcdf file to divide the dataset by.

If a dataset or netcdf file is supplied, this must have only one variable, unless var is provided. The grids must be the same.


var (str) – A variable in the x to use for the operation


If you wanted to dividie all variables in a dataset by 20, you would do the following:

>>> data.divide(10)

To divide values in a dataset by those in the dataset data2 from a dataset data1, you would do the following:

>>> data1.divide(data2)

Grids in the datasets must match. Division will occur in matching timesteps in data1 and data2. If there is only 1 timestep in data2, then the data from that timeste in data2 will divided the data in all data1 time steps.

Adding the data from another NetCDF file will work in the same way:

>>> data1.divide("")